Monday, November 30, 2015



Sorry I didn't get to you all last week. That was totally my bad. I don't ever watch the clock on the computer.. It's a computer with a timer... I know right. But it's been a pretty good past few weeks! Yesterday we saw some snow....already! I'm prepared for a brutal winter, but I'll be alright! :) 

Last week, we had someone in church for the first time that I've been here in Randers. That hurts to say... I've been here forever, but we finally had somebody come and she said that it was positively surprisingly good! She has plans to come in the future, but couldn't make it yesterday and I don't think she'll make it next week either, but she has been progressing and continues to meet with us! The branch really likes her! So that's really good! We also made several appointments with some potentials for this week, so we're excited to meet with some new people! 

We also have Thanksgiving this week!!! The Danes don't celebrate it of course, but the missionaries do! We have a good ole Turkey Bowl coming up and everything! We're pretty stoked for it, but it should be pretty cold and wet. It'll still be fun though! We're excited for Thursday! It wont be the same as it is back home, but it's about as close as I'll get in Denmark! 

Let's see...what else.. OH! I already set my appointment up to Skype on Christmas! Only one more month until then!! :) I'm excited! 

I found a good scripture this week! It's in Mosiah 5! It's verse 2. It says, "And they all cried with one voice, saying: Yea, we believe all the words which thou hast spoken unto us; and also, we know of their surety and truth, because of the Spirit of the Lord Omnipotent, which has wrought a mighty change in us, or in our hearts, that we have no more disposition to do evil, but to do good continually." This talks about King Benjamin's address! Because of the words he spoke and the testimony he bore, they found a change in their hearts after they repented of their iniquities. And they afterwards abound themselves in good works! This is exactly how our repentance should be. We should always have that desire to do good continually, especially has we come into this Christmas season! :) 

Anyways, I love you all and hope you all have a great week!


Ældste Taylor Howes 

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