15 Days left ladies and gentleman! That means this is my second to last email home. I probably won't write home my last week as I will be travelling to Copenhagen and interviewing with President, so next time is my last! Weird to think, but it's exciting!
This week was pretty busy... We traveled around the Zone giving District Meeting trainings in Esbjerg, Fredericia and Odense. Those went really well. We trained on how missionaries can be better at teaching from and about the Book of Mormon. Our mission set a goal to give out 2,000 copies of the Book of Mormon every transfer. We were previously sitting at 800 per transfer, so we bumped that up a little bit. So we came in, did some inspiring and training then left them to try it out. The zone did a pretty good job this past week. They're all studs!
We found a couple new investigators this past week as well, so we're hoping they are solid and will work towards baptism. It would be nice to see someone come on baptismal date before I leave Denmark! Otherwise, well, just like every other week, we're out banging on some doors looking for a golden investigator! :) We're working on it!
I got some pretty stellar pics this past week. I'll attach some of those! :) This coming week, we're having a zone training and going to the temple, so that'll be a good second to last week of my mission! :) I'm looking forward to it. We've got a busy couple of weeks ahead of us, so we'll see what happens! :)
I'd like to share one of my favorite scriptures, 2 Nephi 31:19-20. "And now, my beloved brethren, after ye have gotten into this strait and narrow path, I would ask if all is done? Behold, I say unto you, Nay; for ye have not come thus far save it were by the word of Christ with unshaken faith in him, relying wholly upon the merits of him who is mighty to save. Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life." Once we have entered into the path towards eternal life, we have a responsibility. It's easy! Kinda goes along with last weeks scripture. We have to hold on, or endure to the end. We've paid a great price to develop our faith in God, and it'd be a shame to lose that because we're not keeping the commandments, praying or reading the scriptures. It's not worth it to lose what we have paid such a great price for (figuratively speaking, of course). God promises us EVERYTHING if we just keep ourselves on the path. How incredible is that? :)
I love you all and miss you all. I can't wait to get home and see you all once again! It's been so long! :) Until next week, adieu!
Æ Taylor Howes
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Fredericia strand og Fyn!
Precious brother in Christ,GOD is for real and HE knows you and HE sees you and HE still loves you. Now,if you too love HIM and Truth,it is important you too come to know a well known documented and verified truth(although,hypocrites try to deny it by telling silly lies);that is the book of mormon is totally worthless(Never a Tribe of Israel went to the Americas to give birth to the Natives-the DNA test denies it-and far less the Lord JESUS. Truly,the so called original manuscript with the "pearl of great price" were mere lists of obituaries written in the old language of Egypt,which Smith had purchased in a library and not discovered in a wood;and the "apostles" in Salt Lake know it well;by the way,'cause Hyrum and Joseph were Freemasons,many rituals followed in the temples come from masonry). We have,already,a perfect testament,which you can find it in the GOSPEL(Galatians 1,6-9,Jude 3-4). May the Grace and the Love of our Heavenly Father find a warm welcome in your soul,so that his Holy Spirit can protect you from deception,sin and hell(Luke 12,1-12);until the day-if,you turn earnestly and with humility to our Lord JESUS to get his personal revelation with his forgiveness and holy freedom;and,so,to taste his fellowship with his peace and mercy- you too 'll enter the joy of Paradise. In God's Love and Truth