It's been a pretty good week. Today is the first day of the season that it has it's started early...that's not a good sign, but I'll be able to push through the winter without any problem. Easy!
A lot of things happened this week. First, we had a Halloween Family Home Evening in the branch last Monday, so we all dressed up, ate sloppy joes, dessert, played some games and had a spiritual thought. For those of you wondering why I was a dog - well, that wasn't the plan. You can't really find Halloween costumes in Denmark because it's not a recognized holiday, so after I emailed last week, I scrambled around town to the very few shops that are here. H&M is always a reliable option, but of course, you can't find costumes there, but I did find orange socks with pumpkin faces on them, so I bought those, and a Halloween colored plaid shirt. I was just going to come as a Halloween themed looking person, but I figured I've got to do more. I ran into the dollar tree and found dog ears and a tail.. Perfect. That's a little bit more. So, that was my costume. Kinda mix-matchy, but whatever. Better than nothing! It was a good turnout nonetheless.
We also moved this week! Yahoo!!! We got a super nice apartment. So we spent a couple days moving the senior couple in and out as well as us. It was also Elder Teynor's birthday on Friday, so we ended up celebrating that at YSA/Institute. The day before, the senior couple took us to a sit down restaurant, so that was nice of them. Good food too! It was also Stake Conference on Saturday and Sunday...we didn't get to go back to Copenhagen, but it was live-streamed into our church building. It was pretty cool. I thought the Stake Presidency did an incredible job. They talked about the necessity of member-missionary work and the Book of Mormon. The new temple president and his wife bore their testimonies and gave talks as well, so that was cool. The new temple president used to be the Europe Area President or something high up in the Seventy. His name is President Olson. He's from Sweden. I was also mentioned a couple times in different sessions by the Stake President in an example of working with the missionaries. That was pretty cool! Needless to say, it was a pretty good Stake Conference.
I haven't left a scripture in some time now, but I found a really cool one in the Bible! It's in 2 Timothy 3:15-17. It says, "And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works." It pretty much explains itself. It tells us exactly why scriptures are important. We've known about the scriptures since we were born and we've been told that we have them for our benefit. Scriptures lead us to salvation and teach us how to develop faith in Christ. Notice that the scripture doesn't say that we receive salvation alone by faith in Christ, but it says it teaches us how to become more righteous, more perfect, more correct - it teaches us to become "furnished unto good works." Furnishing takes time, like furnishing a house. It comes one step at a time. This is the Paul's testimony of the scriptures. Let it become yours!
I love you all, have a great week! Here are some pics of Elder Johnson's visit to Denmark, Rønne, Halloween and the new apartment!
Æ. Taylor Howes
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